High-School Diaries- A break up poem.

What would a stereotypical high-school student do when another of his so-called “love-of-his-life” fades away? Write a poem, and write a poem I did.  Reading this now makes me cringe a little but hey, we have all been there. Heartbroken and stupid. I honestly dont remember much about how I felt back then, but this poem certainly makes it sound like I was carving broken hearts into my neighbour’s tree (I didnt have a tree nor a garden……sad times).  But what I do remember of that break-up is calling her a fat-fugly-wench (I didnt really call her wench but something along those line) and feeling amazingly satisfied as she hung-up on me. Happy Valentines Day folks.:)

Running Blind


The thoughts of her echo in pain,

What I wished for; between her and I

 Was deemed to be in vain,

To materialize is to beckon the sun to go against its ways

But thoughts of her made rationality go astray,

I wish…..

I wished for her presence,

I wished for her touch,

I wished for her sweet smile and the icing gaze ,

I wished for the pleasant agony that the love brings

And I wished for the kind of love that would make my heart levitate,

I wished for infinity………..

I wished that she was here to stay,

But eventuality is hard to put away,

Shrapnel I will take for the thoughts of her are hard to pack away,

 I was running blind and now the pain echoes through my hollow veins.

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